Thursday, April 29, 2010

Change Teachers...

I received a call yesterday from a lady who goes to our church and writes in a newspaper part-time. She wanted to let me know there was an article in the local paper published yesterday about Wae and I and that she wrote it. She was so worried I wouldn't like it or that I would be offended. It was so great so I wanted to share a little bit of what she had to say on here this morning. I was humbled and honored at the things she had to say. I am giving my thoughts and my summary on what Laure wrote. I'm not going to copy it all on here. Just going to get ya' thinking...

Do you like change? Probably not...most people are resistant to change and like to keep their lives in the normal every day routine "they" have planned for. Laure explained that she observes how other people handle change and what they do. This is why they are her "change teachers." She learns from these people positive ways to accept change and how she wants to respond when a change situation comes in her life.

She then went on to explain all that Wae and I went through during Ian's birth, Ian's life, and even through his death. She explained how we handled it...we took our baby home and loved him, we worked hard to make him thrive and we adjusted our plan to Ian's needs, we created Rhizo Kids, started support groups, planned conferences but yet our response to our change was "WE ARE THANKFUL GOD GAVE US IAN." Our response was not to become bitter and angry and turn from God. Don't get me wrong...there have been those days in the deep dark pit when I had horrible thoughts and said some horrible things but by the grace of our heavenly father we climbed out of the pit each time.

She said this..."Talk about change. Mary and Wae, this community, families across the country, and doctors on the other side of the world, were changed by Ian's birth and even by his death." WOW...our little boy did that?!? Yea...I guess he did. What an awesome kid God blessed us with!!!

Ian, a small handicapped little boy with so many limitations changed all of us. We let him change us and we let him make a difference in our lives and everyone around us. I believe from the bottom of my heart that we would not have accepted this change the way we did if we didn't have Jesus in our hearts. There was not one day I did anything worthy of the calling God called me to (Eph. 4:1) yet he worked through me. He did it all guys. Not me!!! was a huge change to MY plan to have Ian as my child instead of the healthy child I had always dreamed of. It was a huge change to MY plan to quit my job teaching the perfect grade with the perfect co-workers who I considered close friends. It was a huge change in MY plan to stay home somedays with my little boy hooked up to oxygen and monitors with visits from hospice nurses. But you know what??? It's not about our plans is it? Nope...God has a calling for us and we have to step up to the challenge and accept it and roll with it even if it's different from the plans we had for our lives.

So...start looking for "Change Teachers" in your lives. Look around at how people accept change in their lives and how they respond to it. More than likely at some point in your life you will have to change your plan and roll with the punches. When the time comes are you going to follow the new plan and make the best of it or are you going to crawl up in your own little hole and complain about it for years to come?

I know that now I am going to be on the lookout for change teachers and I hope to learn some great things. Now remember...some of those people may not accept change well and I'm pretty sure those are the people we don't want to model our lives after. : ) Just sayin'..........................

Love you guys and I am updating tomorrow with a fun and exciting party plan for mothers with children who love some painted pottery. I'll post details tomorrow and first come first serve...I promise it is going to be an awesome party that you don't want to miss!!!


  1. Please scan the article and let us read it or give us the site so that we can find it and read it. You and Wae are daily in my thoughts and prayers. All my love, Virginia Peterson

  2. Mary...I am inspired daily by your blog. Thank you for continuing to share.

  3. So very true...we all can learn so much from others and how they accept and live with change!!!! I am a loyal reader from your Caring Bridge page and think of you and your family often. Reading your blog lately makes my heart soar. You are doing so much good in loving memory of your precious Ian. Go You!!!!!
