Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We survived...

Well, we made it through the one year anniversary of our sweet little boy leaving our arms for Jesus and we made it through Ian's 2nd birthday celebration in Heaven. We slid through another "mile marker" people had warned us about and I'm going to be honest with you. The advice that comes from most people is plain ole' pooey!!!

Yes, we have now "celebrated" every holiday and every occasion without Ian. "Supposedly" after the 1st's of the 1st year it's smooth sailing. Well.......I'm pretty sure if you ask a mom or dad who has lost their child if any birthday without their child was any easier they'd say no. I'm pretty sure they'd say they were thinking about all the children who were celebrating their 3rd birthday (or whatever birthday it was) and wishing their child too was having that Elmo party like "normal" families. People say the 2nd Thanksgiving and the 2nd Christmas will be much easier to make it through. In my eyes it's yet another holiday Wae and I are "celebrating" without Ian there by our sides. The bottom line is our lives are different than most and we now have to learn to "live" through these occasions without Ian. So...onward we march to Thanksgiving and Christmas with our hearts focusing on our blessings as best we know how.

Wae and I took a trip over the week of Ian's passing and his birthday and it was a nice getaway. It was nice to not be in our house where so much took place, happy and sad, over the past 3 years. We were able to do some fun things that we hadn't experienced before and try to have some fun just the two of us. I always seem to feel so "guilty" to have fun or laugh these days! We went to a "monkey island" and fed monkeys bananas out of our hands. It was a true adventure and it was something done in memory of Ian since he loved monkeys so :)

Well, I'd better go get to cleaning my house. My best friend Lindsey is so very close to having her little boy (in a few days) and I want my house to be in order so I can be around to spoil the new little fella' in our lives. Oh how I love a newborn baby!!! His name is going to be Cohen Jeremy Bryant and I'm sure he's going to be one of the cutest little guys I've ever met...


1 comment:

  1. Sweet sweet Mary please know we pray for you often!!! I have a friend that lost her son at the age of 13 yrs. they were told he would never make it to his 2nd birthday guess God had a bigger better plan. I can tell you it does NOT get easier I have watched them morn their son for the past almost 4 years yes they have learned to go on with their daily lives but by no means do they not miss Parker every day. I know Parker's mom would much rather be holding him however she does find comfort knowing he is in heaven in no pain with his creator. You are a strong woman Mary keep the faith, keep praying keep loving your little angle God will see you through this and one day you will see your precious baby again. I think thats what keeps our friend going.
