Sunday, August 8, 2010

Getting excited...

Tomorrow is the big day. My first day as a 1st grade teacher and I am getting so excited. I worked three days last week for teacher inservice days and I was able to get to know the teachers I will be working with. They were so helpful and that really helped me to get excited about going back to work.

We had meet your teacher night Thursday and I was able to meet all the kids and parents. I think I have a great class and I think this is going to be a turning point in our lives. Yay...feeling hopeful tonight and it feels good!

I have made cupcakes for my kids to welcome them back to school. I've prepared fun activities for the first day and I've got my lunch packed and ready to go. Their welcome to school activities are ready for them on their desks and newly sharpened pencils ready to go. A small part of me feels like what life used to be like. Maybe the good will finally start outweighing the bad in our life. We will forever have the cloud of sadness in our lives but I am hoping the cloud will get further and further from the focus of my every thought.

Tomorrow will be 10 months since Ian went to LIVE with Jesus. It has been 10 months of happiness for Ian. I can't even begin to imagine how awesome it would be to be living free of sickness and pain and to be healthy and whole. I know our little boy is completely perfect in the prescence of his Almighty Father and for that...I AM grateful! I miss you Ian Ellis but remember...I'll see you again one day and oh what a day that will be!!! Until then I'm sending hugs and kisses your way...

I tried to post pics of my classroom but it wouldn't work. They are on my facebook page though. Sorry...



  1. Mary, I hope that you had a WONDERFUL first day back at school!!!! I know without a doubt that your kids love having you for a teacher. I bet that they all go home telling their parents that they have the coolest teacher ever, and from what I can tell you are!!!

    Annette Thompson

  2. It's Thursday, and this is the first time this week I've had a chance to "check up on you". The first week of school is hectic, but I am getting into the routine as I am sure you are. The kids at Sand Rock are so lucky to have you as a teacher and as a positive, Christian influence on their lives. You, Wae, and your entire family are always in our prayers.

    Leah Odam :)

  3. It's Leah again...but I just wanted you to know what an impact you and Ian have had on our entire community...I asked my students (9th graders) to write about themselves through different prompts I have. One prompt says, "If you could give a surprise to anyone what you do?" Most kids wrote about throwing a surprise part...but one of my students wrote, "If I could give anyone a surprise, it would be Mrs. Mary Ellis. I would come up with a cure for RCDP. I know this is Mrs. Mary's wish, and I would love to do this for her." I don't know if you had this student at CES, but you are loved and thought of and prayed for by many!!!
